• Harmonic Egg
  • Harmonic Egg

Vie Star Black

Vie Universoul Wellness is a multi-purpose studio space providing energy & wellness therapies, yoga classes, and products, located in Marda Loop, Calgary. We help bring people to their optimal state of healing, and support their continuous life-long wellness journeys.

Vie Star Black

Our three main services include: an energy therapy called the Harmonic Egg, Infrared Saunas, and Yoga Classes. To view more information on each of our services, head to the services tab at the top of our website!

Harmonic Egg Service


The Harmonic Egg is a patented chamber where clients will complete a 50 minute session up to once a week. The chamber uses sound, light, colour, frequency, and vibration to reset and activate the body’s natural healing ability & promote mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual healing and wellness.

Infrared Sauna Service


Experience the many benefits of our Infrared Saunas, including relaxation, detoxification, improved sleep, & weight management. Regular infrared sauna sessions promote overall health & wellness and improvement in many chronic medical conditions.

Yoga Service Image


Our yoga studio is an inclusive and uplifting space, built on the foundation of bringing together a wellness focused community. Through a variety of traditional based yoga classes, our teachers guide each person along their journey incorporating asana meditation and breathwork.


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Harmonic Egg Testimonial

Vie Star Black
“Since I was about 5 years old, I have worn a pair of glasses called pain. That is how I describe my childhood. Never removed or any relief. Since my visit to the Harmonic Egg®, I have come to realize the glasses are gone. After returning home, I had more strength, and something was different. Colors were brighter, I appreciated my surroundings more. The realization was gradual, gentle, until last night when I realized the glasses were gone for the first time in 72 years!” 

– Marcia

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